
Newport Beach Estate Planning Attorneys

Gain the Confidence and Peace of Mind You Deserve!

We know how overwhelming it is to prepare for and navigate difficult life events. Worse, you are not always sure what you need and who to trust to help you make the right decisions for your family.

Imagine what life will be like when you have the support and guidance you need to protect your loved ones.
  • Protect your loved ones with the most up-to-date legal advice and strategies.
  • Implement tried and true estate planning strategies that protect you before, during and after a crisis.
  • Gain a family trust attorney for life — one that won’t nickel and dime you when you need guidance.
  • Feel supported with a trusted guide to help you navigate the entire process.
  • Enjoy peace of mind knowing everything you care about is protected.
Top-Rated Newport Beach Estate Planning Attorneys

Meet the Meiers

Hi, we’re Laura and Josh Meier

Hello, and Welcome to the Meier Law Firm.

You’re in the right place!

We know that planning for the “what-ifs” in life, or navigating the aftermath of losing a loved one, can be overwhelming and stressful—we get it!

You probably have a lot of questions like what will happen to the kids, the home, the accounts, and how do I go about all this? How can I make sure the money doesn’t unnecessarily go to the government? And, who can I trust to help me so that everyone involved is safe and protected?

All of this we get, and we are here to help. Estate planning before AND after an illness, death, or major taxable event, is ALL that we do. We know you have questions. We know you are probably overwhelmed, stressed, and unsure how to go about all this or who you can trust to help you: who wouldn’t be? But let us assure you, it’s going to be OK. We are here to help you find answers and get the guidance you need, so that you can make a plan to move forward and experience peace of mind.

Top-Rated Newport Beach Estate Planning Attorneys

Here’s What Our Clients Think About Working With Us

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How Can We Help?

Here are some of the main ways we help our clients. Not sure where to start? Book your planning session.

Don’t Leave your Family at Risk one more day

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We create a solution
You get peace of mind

Online & In-Person Workshops

Join a live webinar, register for an in-person event or invite Laura and Josh to speak at your company event.

Take Control of Your Family’s Future

In Good Parents Worry, Great Parents Plan, estate planning attorney and mother Laura Meier shows you the legal and practical steps you must take to protect your children from temporary foster care, courtrooms, loss of inheritance, and other turmoil most kids experience when their parents pass away.

“Laura Meier’s The Family Nest Egg gives parents the tools they need to find confidence, stop worrying, and secure the financial future for their loved ones. Laura’s real-life stories and actionable advice make this read a trustworthy resource for budgeting, investing, and preparing for a financial crisis.”

Barbara Corcoran,

Founder of The Corcoran Group and Shark on ABC’s Shark Tank

Meier Firm Languages At Meier Law Firm, we are proud of our diverse and inclusive team. Members of our firm speak English, Spanish, Arabic, German, Mandarin Chinese, and French, enabling us to serve a wide range of clients and address their legal needs effectively.

Our Team

Carolina A. Gonzalez - Meier Law Firm

Congratulations to Carolina Gonzalez Rondan for being named a Super Lawyers Rising Star!


This recognition is awarded to the top 2.5% of attorneys in California under 40 or in practice for less than 10 years. Learn more about her achievement.

Frequently Asked Questions

What is an Estate Plan? Why Do You Need One? How Does it Protect You?

An estate plan is like a Last Will and Testament in that it makes your wishes known. However, it gives you more control than a will does over how your estate is dispersed, who receives which assets, and the manner in which assets are distributed.

When planning your estate, the process involves creating legal documents that establish how your assets and property will be handled upon your death or incapacitation.

Estate plans often include a Last Will and Testament, trust funds, and even the appointment of powers of attorney to protect yourself and your estate should you no longer be able to do so.

What is the Difference Between a Revocable Trust and an Irrevocable Trust?

A revocable trust is one that can be changed or dissolved at any time during the life of the trustor – the person that created the trust – as long as they have the mental capacity to do so.

This means that assets can be added or removed from the trust, beneficiaries can be changed, and any modifications to the terms of the trust document can be made by the trustor.

With an irrevocable trust, on the other hand, assets are transferred to the trust permanently and completely. Changes cannot be made to an irrevocable trust without the approval of the trust beneficiaries or a court ruling.

There are some financial benefits to irrevocable trusts that revocable trusts do not offer.

I Have Life Insurance. Why Do I Need an Estate Plan?

If you simply have a life insurance policy and don’t have an estate plan beyond that policy, your estate will likely go through the probate process when you pass away.

Probate is a series of court proceedings that legally settles a person’s estate when they die. It can be a costly and public process for your loved ones to endure.

When you establish an estate plan, there are ways to avoid probate altogether and preserve your assets while dispersing them in a private manner.

How Do I Know If I Should Set Up a Trust?

Certain sized estates are subject to probate upon the death of the individual, and since trusts help to avoid the probate process, your qualifying estate could benefit from setting up a trust.

You should consider a trust if you:

  • Have a dependent spouse or children
  • Have assets exceeding $160,000
  • Own a home that exceeds $50,000 in value

Setting up a trust protects your assets and property from the probate process and often from creditors.

How Often Do You Need to Update Your Estate Planning?

Your estate plan should keep up with your wishes, which often means an examination after certain life changes, including:

  • Marriage and divorce
  • The birth of children
  • The death of beneficiaries
  • The acquiring or selling of significant assets or property

Outside of these life events, it’s recommended that you review your estate plan every three or four years to be sure it’s still in line with your wishes.

Newport Beach Estate Planning Attorneys

Serving Clients Throughout California

Virtual and in-person appointments available.

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